Pie Boy is a 2-part dark-comedy web series that follows a tired hitman’s attempt to rebrand by employing an impressionable pie delivery boy.
Pie Boy is written and directed by Stunt Club screenwriter and actor Mahlon Bast, and features great Canadian talent including Anthony Palermo, Ryan Bannon, John Mayberry, and Jessica Avsenik. It is a joint collaboration between Ace Entertainment and King Production Studios.
Pie Boy is written and directed by Stunt Club screenwriter and actor Mahlon Bast, and features great Canadian talent including Anthony Palermo, Ryan Bannon, John Mayberry, and Jessica Avsenik. It is a joint collaboration between Ace Entertainment and King Production Studios.
S1 E1 | 9:38
Blueberry Die Tilly is lured to a mysterious house on a pie delivery where he meets Antin, a hitman with a strange, but enticing proposal. |
S1 E2 | 10:38
She's My Cherry-Bomb Pie In a reactionary daze after his first deadly delivery, Tilly turns to Antin for advice about a girl at school |
2022 | 00:52
Pie Boy (Trailer) |